اتشرف بزيارتكم لمدونتي

اتشرف بزيارتكم  لمدونتي

الأحد، 31 يناير 2016

Striped fabrics dominate the fashion summer 2016 !!!

With the end of the international fashion weeks each season, it is imperative that we speak of fashions that to Vtaatna in fashion shows witnessed these weeks and after we followed those of the season spring and summer of 2016, it is necessary to tell you that fashion the Stripes continuous and strongly in the world of fashion in the season next summer, do not hesitate in choosing the most of your pants striped fabrics.
Most of the brands and the role of international fashion and elegance least made fabrics striped designs (remember the most prominent ways to coordinate striped fabrics in the summer of 2014), it is Prada house to house Calvin Klein saw appearances Bmodh the Stripes.
If, for the summer of 2016, do not hesitate to choose a long jacket striped or even official Shorts striped provided that the length of Capri any length up ankle extent, also does not hesitate to choose the shirt style dress which the Shirt Dress long striped as we've seen with Dolce & Gabbana.

من صيحات الموضة في صيف 2016 الاقمشىة المقلمة

View reflect the fashion of the Stripes Also, you can wear a vital dresses that comes the story straight and cotton and a length of the average, these dresses that come pinstripe different lines, such as those provided by Stella McCartney as you can resort to the cloth crochet with these dresses, you can choose these dresses from Tommy Hilfiger, for example, .
Just as the striped fabrics seized control of the vital designs for the summer of 2016, they also formed the basic fabric of some formal dresses worthy Bmnaspatk has seen adorn the Ralph Lauren dresses, for example, that brought the story of bare shoulders and blown only at the bottom, as we saw adorn Salvatore Ferragamo dresses that brought the story of nude shoulders but also decorated Bkhakesh any Bmodh the Ruffles on the chest.
But in case you want to adopt this fashion in the summer season, we recommend coordinated distinctive and striking ways, if I wore the dress edger, water it a jacket or shirt denim jeans, especially if this is a vital and Tnsaganh dress with flat shoes manner the Slides.

What if you choose striped pants, the dresses and distinctive T-shirts and you can coordinate the white classic shirt with this Shorts and wear the views of shoes the Brogue Men's style woman man, for example, or you can repentance coordinate story sleeves drop-down on the shoulders Off Shoulders to view feminine and eye.
If you want a view of the entire eye, do not hesitate to mix different carvings with each other and the pieces you choose the printing press forms Engineering (Discover the fashion fabrics chopped) or printing dots any Bmodh the Polka Dots and Tnsagaha pieces with striped fabrics.

I leave you with models striped costume you've chosen and I hope you like it

السبت، 30 يناير 2016

How do you choose manicures fits the color of your skin

How do you choose manicures fits the color of your skin
Some women choose color Manicure by fashion only.
Do not bother if it suited her skin color or not is reflected on the appearance and the look is elegant.
The choice of color nail polish is very important and should not be matched to the color of your clothes only if appropriate for your skin. Also, Bazafrck care and softness of your hands and your feet you get a result of an impressive

Here are some models munkar choose what suits you best
And some beautiful ideas to decorate nail

fashion  1016

Your style of sets for the winter in very exquisiteness

We are pleased to offer to Madam elegant set of winter crews. Specially selected for you all the details collected integrated with each other to give a warm and stylish look
All crews are available in .. coat. .haddae Bag. Dress or pants.W

الأحد، 24 يناير 2016

وصفات عربية بالاعشاب للتجميل  -  Recipes Arab herbal beauty

وصفة خاصة بالصدر

لجعل حجم الصدر اصغر - To make the chest smaller size

1)استخدام الماء البارد مع مسحوق الشبه للتصغير.....اشتري شبه و اطحنيها جيدا ......خذي ملعقه من الشبه مع كوب ماء بارد ثم رشيه على الصدر و اتركيه حتى ينشف ثم ارتدي ملابسك

2) ضعي نسب متساوية من اوراق وازهار ( الزوباع)و(اكليل الجبل)و تلقيهم عند العطارين ثم ضعيهم على النار الى ان يصبحوا مستحلب ثم خذي ملعقة صغيرة من المستحلب الى فنجان ماء واخلطية جيدآ واشربية مرة في اليوم وقبل النوم خذي مقدار قليل من المستحلب ودلكية بها صدرك لمدة 5 دقائق
3)اغسلي صدرك دائمآ بالماء البارد او خذي كيسين واملئهم بالثلج وضعيهم على صدرك لمدة 10 دقائق
4)اخذ قطعه ثلج و تدليك الصدر بها كل يوم الى ان تذوب
5) من الأطلية التي تمنع الأثداء عن العظم كثرة الطلاء بالشب كل يوم أو أن يؤخذ طين جزء وعفص أخضر فيسحقان ويطليان بالعسل يوما ثم يغسل بالماء البارد فيفعل ذلك في الشهر ثلاث مرات. ويخص بالثدي أن يشد عليه كمونا مسحوقا معجونا بالخل يضمد به الثدي ويترك عليه خرقا مبلولة بالخل ثلاثة أيام ثم يحل ويتبع ببصل السوسن الأبيض(الزنبق) ويشد ولا يحل ثلاثة أيام أخرى يفعل ذلك في الشهر ثلاث مرات.

Use cold water with similarities to zoom powder ..... Buy and semi Athaniha well ...... Take a spoonful of similarities with a glass of cold water and confidentiality on the chest and leave it up to dry and then wear your clothes

2) Put the equal proportions from the leaves and flowers (Alzubaa) and (rosemary) and receiving at Attarine then Daehm on the fire that become emulsion and then Take a teaspoon of the emulsion into a cup of water and linear well Acherbah back in the day and before going to sleep Take a small amount of the emulsion and Dlkih out your chest for 5 minutes
3) Wash your chest always with cold water or Take two bags and fill them up with ice and Daehm on your chest for 10 minutes
4) taking an ice cube and chest massage every day that the melt
5) of the coatings that prevent the breasts from the bone frequent alum paint every day or to take part green clay and gall Vishakan and honey Atalaan days and then wash with cold water and he does it three times a month. The terms of the breast to pull it Kmona powder paste with vinegar wounds breasts and leaves it in breach wet with vinegar three days and then resolves followed Bbesl white lilies (Lily) and tightens does not solve another three days to do so three times a month

لشد وتبييض الصد - To flatten and whitening chest

خل+ترمس+حمص+محلب+ليمون+قليل من الشبه
لتكبير الصدر
2\زيت الحمص+العنبر

Vinegar + lupine + Homs + Mahlab + lemon + a few similarities
For breast augmentation
1 \ Homs + sesame + sesame paste
2 \ chickpeas oil + Amber

ثانيا:الشد و التجميل::::-Second: tensile and beauty ::::

1)لشد الصدر و البطن استخدام ماسك العسل و الدقيق
2)دهن الصدر بزيت الزيتون و تدليكه لعده دقائق ثم غسله بالماء الدافئ...و بعدها تمرير ثلجه على الصدر حتى تذوب
3)استخدام تفاحه مقشره و مهروسه جيدا ووضعها على الصدر لمده نصف ساعه على الاقل كل يوم
4)اضافه فنجان من خل التفاح الى ماء الاستحمام,,,كما يمكن تدليك الصدر و الجسم بخل التفاج ثم ثم الوقوف تحت الماء الساخن لمده ربع ساعه....ثم غسل الجسم بماء بارد مضاف له ماء ورد
5)ترمس مطحون+لبن+خل تفاح+ماء ورد.....و خلطهم ثم وضعهم على الصدر لمده ساعه ثم غسله و اضافه الماء البارد او الثلج.........انا بضيف على هذه الخلطه عسل و ملح
6)مسحوق الملح و الماء البارد يرش كل يوم على الصدر

1) to flatten the chest and abdomen using the mask honey and flour
2) fat chest and rubbed with olive oil for a few minutes and then wash it off with warm water ... and then pass on the chest Theljh even melt
3) the use of apple peeled and mashed well and put it on the chest for half an hour at least every day
4) Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to bath water can also be ,,, chest massage and body Altvaj scrimp and then stand under hot water for a quarter of an hour .... and then wash the body with cold water added his rose water
5) lupine crunched + milk + apple vinegar + water Word ..... Khalthm and then put them on the chest for an hour and then wash it off and add cold water or snow ......... I am a guest of this amalgam honey and salt
6) salt powder and cold water sprayed every day on the chest

لزيادة حجم جزء معين من الجسم
سؤال عن الرغبه في زيادة حجم جزء معين من الجسم كالفخذين مثلا فقال ان الكثير من الناس يعتقد انه اذا شرب عشبه معينه تزيد الوزن في مكان معين وهذا مفهوم خاطئ فلابد عند الرغبه في زيادة مكان معين من عمل برنامج رياضي لهذه المنطقه باوزان مناسبه ولزيادة حجم الفخذين ممكن عمل تمرين باستخدام ثقل الجسم كالوقوف ثم النزول لاسفل جالسا لمدة عشر دقائق 3 مرات في اليوم
وايضا استعمال مشروبات معينه تساعد مع التدريبات مثل عمل مشروب من(دبس الرمان ودبس العسل وسمسم مطحون وعصير عنب وعصير خيار مع 7 تمرات)ويؤخذ قبل التمرين واثناء التمرين يشرب الزنجبيل
وتدليك المنطقه المراد زيادتها بزيت الزيتون واضافة قطعه من الزبد او السمن الى الطعام

To increase the size of a certain part of the body
A question about the desire to increase the size of a certain part of the body, for example, Kalfajven said that a lot of people think that if drinking herb certain excess weight in a particular place and this misconception must if you want to increase a particular place of work of the sports program for this region weights suitable and to increase the size of the thighs as possible Action exercise using the weight of the body Kaelloukov then go down to the bottom of the sitting for ten minutes three times a day
And also the use of certain drinks help with exercises such as the work of drink (pomegranate molasses and honey and sesame crushed grapes and juice and cucumber juice with 7 dates) and taken before exercise, during exercise and drinking ginger
And massage the area to be increased with olive oil and add a piece of butter or margarine to food

Recipe Arab useful for natural beauty

A recipe for fattening cheeks

And to fatten the face and cheeks, we find there is a common mistake a lot of people is where they lift a facial muscles to express emotions any they are talking Bugehm more Hmaaada to atrophy in the muscles of the face and avoided must reduce agitation Ill face and avoid moving the eyebrows with talk of any calm the emotions face
The use of the use of amber oil, almond oil and corn oil at rates equal Kmsk his face for a quarter of an hour with a hot towel on the face three times a day
If the work is not available as possible holder of the summary of cactus with honey
Then paint with oil, corn oil, almonds, 3 times a day

  • وصفات طبيعية عربية للجمال -Arab natural recipes for beauty
وصفة مفيدة لتشقق الشفاه -Recipe useful for cracking of lips

الكثير منا يعاني مرات من تشقق الشفاه مما يؤدي الى الشعور بالالم وعدم الراحة و الكمال . و تكون هذه الظاهرة اكثر في فصل الشتاء . كما ان لعق الشفاه باستمرار يؤدي الى جفافها وتقشرها 

سنتعرف على وصفات طبيعية عربية لمعالجة تشقق الشفاه

Many of us suffer from cracking of lips times, leading to pain and discomfort and perfection. And this phenomenon be more in the winter. Also, licking lips constantly leads to dry and peel
We will learn about the Arab natural recipes to treat cracking of lips

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تشقق الشفايف
زيت خروع+زيت ذرة +زيت زيتون يمسح به الشفايف 3 مرات في اليوم

  • cracking of lips
  • Castor oil + corn oil + olive oil licked its lips 3 times a day
  • Honey and Vaseline mixture also: where they were effective in the treatment of chapped lips natural recipes, and knows honey characteristics of anti-bacteria, as well as petroleum jelly, which is a common material used in the process of prevention of skin from drying out, and through the development of an appropriate amount of honey on the lips, and then covered with another layer of petroleum jelly and leave for 10 to 15 minutes with the removal of each of honey and Vaseline When you are done through the use of a piece of cloth, repeat this process and must be on a daily basis for a week to get the desired result.