- وصفات طبيعية عربية للجمال -Arab natural recipes for beauty
وصفة مفيدة لتشقق الشفاه -Recipe useful for cracking of lips
الكثير منا يعاني مرات من تشقق الشفاه مما يؤدي الى الشعور بالالم وعدم الراحة و الكمال . و تكون هذه الظاهرة اكثر في فصل الشتاء . كما ان لعق الشفاه باستمرار يؤدي الى جفافها وتقشرها
سنتعرف على وصفات طبيعية عربية لمعالجة تشقق الشفاه
Many of us suffer from cracking of lips times, leading to pain and discomfort and perfection. And this phenomenon be more in the winter. Also, licking lips constantly leads to dry and peel
We will learn about the Arab natural recipes to treat cracking of lips
تشقق الشفايف
زيت خروع+زيت ذرة +زيت زيتون يمسح به الشفايف 3 مرات في اليوم
- cracking of lips
- Castor oil + corn oil + olive oil licked its lips 3 times a day
- Honey and Vaseline mixture also: where they were effective in the treatment of chapped lips natural recipes, and knows honey characteristics of anti-bacteria, as well as petroleum jelly, which is a common material used in the process of prevention of skin from drying out, and through the development of an appropriate amount of honey on the lips, and then covered with another layer of petroleum jelly and leave for 10 to 15 minutes with the removal of each of honey and Vaseline When you are done through the use of a piece of cloth, repeat this process and must be on a daily basis for a week to get the desired result.
تشقق الشفايف
زيت خروع+زيت ذرة +زيت زيتون يمسح به الشفايف 3 مرات في اليوم
- cracking of lips
- Castor oil + corn oil + olive oil licked its lips 3 times a day
- Honey and Vaseline mixture also: where they were effective in the treatment of chapped lips natural recipes, and knows honey characteristics of anti-bacteria, as well as petroleum jelly, which is a common material used in the process of prevention of skin from drying out, and through the development of an appropriate amount of honey on the lips, and then covered with another layer of petroleum jelly and leave for 10 to 15 minutes with the removal of each of honey and Vaseline When you are done through the use of a piece of cloth, repeat this process and must be on a daily basis for a week to get the desired result.
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