اتشرف بزيارتكم لمدونتي

اتشرف بزيارتكم  لمدونتي

السبت، 18 أبريل 2015

The benefits of the various banana peel

The bananas from tropical fruits famous and available in most areas with high humidity and throughout the year, and is known for banana price levels affordable and available at hand, usually eaten alone or be admitted in the juices to give textures thick juice. The benefits are many bananas as one of the best natural sources of energy and simple sugars and minerals important to the human body. As for the benefits of banana

Benefits of the banana skin peel
Must have heard different uses for the husks, especially in subjects of beauty and weight loss have heard about the uses of lemon peel to Anzul weight, for example, and pomegranate peel good for some pathological cases do! But have you heard that the benefits of banana peel is proven bleaching the skin and lighten in color!You using floured peel bananas and put a mask on the skin for a period of time approximately 15 minutes, and with repeated use certainly you'll notice the difference in skin color and splendor.
فوائد قشر الموز لتبيض الاسنان
Benefits of the banana peel for teeth whiteningFamous in the world of beauty benefits of banana peel in teeth whitening! What is the validity of that? Some claim of those who have tried it if you rub your teeth a good crust, fresh bananas from the inside and then peeled immediately, you will notice the difference in the color of your teeth, and support this belief is the fact that many of the minerals and elements that contain a banana peel, such as potassium and magnesium helps in whitening teeth !!Of course, the subject remains as part of the prosecution so far and there is no real study to prove it or interpreted explanation required! But I do not mind that the experience with yourself to discover the facts and their impact, it has no negative side effects that did not have a positive impact.
فوائد قشر الموز في علاج حبوب الوجه
Benefits of the banana peel in the treatment of facial pills

Thanks to its contents banana peels from the elements and minerals important for the skin, it has found a role in the treatment of facial pills and pimples and warts! According to experienced and also spread that once crushed and placed on the skin and Tdena for 5 minutes, and repeat the process more than once will impact on the peeling skin and Tgdidha.osazar difference within a week of use. Also known banana peel in the treatment of various skin diseases such as psoriasis and ulcers, as soon as application inside of a banana peel on the place of the injury will moisturize the area and reduce the itching.
فوائد قشر الموز في مكافحة التجاعيد
Benefits of the banana peel in the fight against wrinklesKnew Mozi and its role in the prevention of many diseases and to fight signs of aging and fight aging, because it contains powerful antioxidants, especially beta carotene and vitamin Flavinuedz C. It also found a banana peel positive impact on the subject of prevention of wrinkles!Where also helps banana peel when applied to the skin to hydrate and exfoliate and protect it from wrinkles, and could be the work of multiple masks using floured peel fresh banana and mixed with vegetable oils such as coconut oil or even with the egg yolks will help a lot in giving effective results against wrinkles and dry skin. Thus, we advise you that eating a banana Tqoumoua grain interior for internal influence, with the introduction of its skin on your skin to get the best results.
فوائد قشر الموز للشعر
Benefits of the banana peel for hair

Found that crunched banana peel may have a role in lengthening and strengthening hair dry and brittle and treat him. It is possible to use several natural mixtures involving a banana peel, dry ground or even fresh, such as mixtures containing castor oil and coconut oil, and put the mixture on the hair and cover, and leave for a period of time approximately 15 minutes, then wash. He became known to use a floured peel bananas wash. He became known to use a floured banana peel in hair relaxer and individual coarse and curly hair. Here is the mixture as follows: Put in a blender banana peel with a quarter cup of olive oil, one egg, and then place the mixture for a quarter of an hour on your hair, and then wash it with shampoo and your Albeslm and you will notice the difference.

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